Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Is that true Green Tea can make lose weight?

Many people have heard that drinking green tea can help cure various diseases. Many also say to drink as a means of weight loss diets alias. Is this true? The answer is yes, it does. a study showed by consuming green tea for three weeks a positive impact on the increase in HDL which is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol and suppress rising triglycerides. Therefore, green tea may be one drink recommendation for weight loss due to skin beauty and maintain high antioxidant
content in it.

One type of herbal drink known to have efficacy in weight loss and maintain the beauty of the skin is green tea.

1. Increase metabolism

Recent research has shown that green tea can increase energy expenditure and metabolism increase to 4 percent within 24 hours. This is due to the content of polyphenols katekhin. These polyphenols increase fat oxidation and increase the heating process of the body (thermogenesis), thereby increasing metabolism.

High metabolism can help burn fat even though being in a state of sleep.

2. burn calories

Research also suggests that green tea can reduce the calories in our body. Nevertheless, there are differences of opinion how many calories can be burned. The number of the burnt also depends on body weight, food intake, physical activity is also undertaken.

3. Reduce the absorption of fat.

Green tea can also decrease the absorption of fat from the intestine into the blood immediately after we eat. So important for those who wish to drink green tea lean immediately after eating.  Catechins in it inhibits the absorption of fat. So, a little more fat to be stored in the body.

Learn More: Green tea weight loss

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