Sunday, December 29, 2013

Black tea prevents cancer, heart disease, and diabetes

Among the many types of beverage, tea is a type that provides so many benefits. The habit of drinking black tea, for example, can be a best efforts for the prevention of severe disease caused by lifestyle such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

Three types of the disease is fearsome because of its prevalence is now increasing and not only among the elderly, but also among productive.
One of the causes of the disease is the accumulation of free radicals or oxidants that can destroy tissue and DNA integrity systems in the body. These conditions stimulate the acceleration of the aging process, causing destruction of the liver and other major diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

To avoid or reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, cancer, diabetes and similar diseases caused by free radicals, according to experts, can best efforts, namely by choosing the traditional way. One is to consume natural beverage that can reduce free radicals such as black tea.

From various references known that black tea that has been pretty much consumed by components containing compounds that are good for the body, especially antioxidants and "theaflavins" which is quite high. "Compounds that have the effect that can reduce the risks of diseases such as cancer and prevent coronary heart disease,".

Unfortunately, the benefits contained in black tea has not been widely known to the public. This is due to lack of socialization and publication of various studies on the health benefits of black tea.

Antioxidants expressed as a compound that can inhibit or prevent oxidation. Based on the source, antioxidants can be divided into natural and synthetic antioxidants. Theaflavins are very potent natural antioxidant, free radical ability as a catcher can not be denied validity. In addition to the compounds in black tea theaflavins significant amount.

The ability of theaflavins as antioxidants to inhibit the oxidation of LDL (Low DensityLippoprotein) showed an amazing thing. In steeping black tea, theaflavins give a yellowish red color, while the thearubigin and theanapthoquinone each gave a brownish red and yellow pekat.Untuk terms of taste, together caffeine, theaflavins present in black tea gives a fresh flavor. Citing research in the Netherlands, an expert said drinking black tea may prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries, especially in women.

Drinking black tea one to two cups able to suppress the accumulation of cholesterol up to 46 percent, if drinking 4 cups can reach 69 percent. This is supported by the results of research in the United States that showed reduced heart attacks 40 percent of the people who used to drink black tea. Black tea also showed a convincing ability as a source of natural food for diabetes, especially in his capacity parapenderita increase insulin activity. Research DepartemenPertanian United States (USDA) published in the Journal of Agric Food Chem, 2002, demonstrated the ability of black tea improves insulin activity exceeds that of green tea, and oolong tea.

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