Saturday, December 21, 2013

Oolong tea, between health life and your "chi"

Have you ever heard the name oolong tea? The term "oolong" in Chinese means black dragon or black snake. An assortment of legends explain the origin of this name. In one legend, is told about the tea garden owners who feared the emergence of a black snake sunning activity so leave the tea leaves. When it returned cautiously few days later, the leaves had been oxidized by the sun and provide a tasty brew results.

Olong tea are picked, and placed under certain conditions with complete control of humidity and temperature to allow oxidation.
However, the oxidation process is only half way done (complete oxidation to form a black tea). Oolong tea leaves are not made ​​to break, so most of the leaf cell structure is still relatively united. The difference is this process that makes each type of tea has different benefits, although derived from the leaves of the same plant.

Half oxidation process that gives great benefits, even considered the best of the other types of tea fermentation, (green tea and black tea). This tea is also known to be a powerful weight loss. 

About the benefits and according some experts

1. Lowering of plasma glucose levels of patients with type 2 diabetes
In a research, conducted in Japan with a team of researchers from Japan, Taiwan, and the United States, found if oolong tea effectively lowers plasma glucose levels of type 2 diabetic patients.

Even further, a study published in the journal Diabetes, stating the use of oolong tea along with medications anti-hyperglycemia agents are much more effective than the drug itself without tea.

2. Effective in weight loss
According to the study, the high antioxidant content of the oxidation half Olong tea speeds up the metabolism in the body, so that those who regularly drank tea got Olong burning more calories than those who did not.

3. Effective pressing dermatitis
Another tremendous benefit of oolong tea is anti-allergic properties contained in oolong tea. In a study, also conducted in Japan, the consumption of oolong tea regularly effective pressing dermatitis, or eczema (inflammation of the skin to redness) on a patient.

The study was published in Arch Dermatol expressed moderate effect against eczema oolong tea consumption has been seen in two weeks, with records of patients who taking oolong tea three times a day after every meal. The results seem more apparent in the following six months.

4. Fix your "chi"
In addition to physical health, drinking oolong in the afternoon or evening to help get rid of fatigue in the middle of busy work, thanks theanin content therein. No wonder that the Chinese, the ancient recalled tea is very good for refreshing and evoke'' chi 'energy human core. Fore there is no harm in writing oolong tea in your regular shopping list and a cup of oolong tea makers immediately.

Indeed, when compared with green tea and black tea, oolong tea has a sharper aroma and taste more sour and bitter. But for tea fans that makes oolong tea taste more delicious. The best way to get the benefits of oolong tea, drink one cup 30 minutes or 1 hour before the activity, road, or exercising.

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