Sunday, December 29, 2013

Black tea prevents cancer, heart disease, and diabetes

Among the many types of beverage, tea is a type that provides so many benefits. The habit of drinking black tea, for example, can be a best efforts for the prevention of severe disease caused by lifestyle such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

Three types of the disease is fearsome because of its prevalence is now increasing and not only among the elderly, but also among productive.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Drinking green tea can prevent many types of cancer?

teactivity - If you always drink green tea every day. It will be a good news for you. Because it has much benefits of our body. Many people do not know that the actual benefits of green tea contained by also able to prevent various types of cancer, such as men as prostate cancer. The people in Asia, especially in Japan and in China has become a common tradition for them to drink tea, even there own traditional ceremony tea.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

White tea and Myriad of benefits for our health

White tea is tea leaves that are not preserved and not fermented. White tea fast-dry (dries quickly open air), while the green tea should be dried in the oven or pan. White tea is usually made ​​up of buds and leaves are very young and it contains low levels of caffeine in the older leaves. On average, most teas such as green tea or black tea have the same benefits as their own content, such as antioxidants, flavonoids, etc. all of which are beneficial to our health.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

This is herb tea, this is ginger tea and the benefits

Ever made ginger tea? Drunk in the afternoon especially when it rains, it's definitely delicious. Ginger tea is a drink that is full of nutrients and beneficial. Ginger tea is able to relieve the stress that we experience. What else the marvelous benefits that we can take to consume ginger tea?

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Drinking tea is better than water?

Drinking three to four cups of tea per day was as good as regular drinking water. Even by drinking the tea, you will receive an extra benefit to health. Opinions team nutritionist Dr Carrie Ruxton community leaders from Kings College London, UK, is published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

The team also rejected the assumption

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Oolong tea, between health life and your "chi"

Have you ever heard the name oolong tea? The term "oolong" in Chinese means black dragon or black snake. An assortment of legends explain the origin of this name. In one legend, is told about the tea garden owners who feared the emergence of a black snake sunning activity so leave the tea leaves. When it returned cautiously few days later, the leaves had been oxidized by the sun and provide a tasty brew results.

Olong tea are picked, and placed under certain conditions with complete control of humidity and temperature to allow oxidation.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The benefits of black tea may have never known

Black tea is one of the four famous types of tea in my opinion, because many people can consume these teas and tremendous benefit. The four types are black tea, green tea, oolong tea and white tea. 
"The Chinese said better live three days without food than a day without tea"
Of all types, black tea is the most oxidized and has a stronger

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Is that true Green Tea can make lose weight?

Many people have heard that drinking green tea can help cure various diseases. Many also say to drink as a means of weight loss diets alias. Is this true? The answer is yes, it does. a study showed by consuming green tea for three weeks a positive impact on the increase in HDL which is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol and suppress rising triglycerides. Therefore, green tea may be one drink recommendation for weight loss due to skin beauty and maintain high antioxidant

Five Reason why Tea better than coffee

Almost most people need coffee or tea in the morning to start the day. Both coffee and tea are the right choice, but we also need to know which healthier choices. And a lot of reasons why tea is better than coffee

Monday, December 16, 2013

With Tea, Refresh our mouth odor

Unpleasant mouth odor will make you feel uncomfortable, especially when you are in a crowd, on a date, or even a business meeting. The causes of mouth odor are highly variable, from less drinking up by ingestion of food that can cause odor impression.

And it turns out, my friends, Tea able to eliminate

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sweet Strawberries Tea Recipe

Strawberries Sweet Tea Recipe - Warm drink is perfect winter like this (December), sweet tea is perfect alternative for drinks. Strawberry sweet tea is a fresh drink that rich with vitamins. Try to make strawberry recipes drink sweet tea, then you will get the freshness.

Sweet Strawberry Tea Ingredients:
- 300 ml strawberry syrup
- 600 ml of boiled

Saturday, December 14, 2013

History of Oolong Tea

Tea with nickname "champagne of teas" is the whole tea leaves undergo a semi-oxidation. The existence of this tea between green tea and black tea, with complex aromas and flavors. Nutrients and natural healing elements of green tea awake in it, but without the aroma of raw leaves.

Green tea and other benefits for skin

Drinking tea has become a favorite and even a tradition in many countries. In addition to the refreshing sensation while drinking this beverage, tea is famous for its health benefits, it also has many benefits tea for beauty. Especially green tea, green tea contains a substance very much and each substance has a different role for the body.

These are some of the benefits of green tea

Japanese Tea Ceremony

Japanese Tea Ceremony, sometimes called "the way of tea", is one of the most revered traditions in Japan. People can be wrong to assume there is only one kind of tea ceremony. Actually, in Japan, there are several schools of thought regarding the proper rituals at the Japanese Tea Ceremony, but they are similar enough so that we can describe the basics of this special event.

The ceremony can be performed indoors

Friday, December 13, 2013

Kinds of herbal tea highly recommended to try

Herbal teas have been used over thousands of years as a natural remedy to treat various kinds of diseases and health conscious. Unfortunately, modern medicine has made many people forget about the efficacy of herbal tea.

Despite its popularity still lost by black tea or green tea, herbal tea actually has always been drunk by the Greeks and Ancient Egyptians, to gain health benefits and relaxation effects. In the UK, this tea, called a tisane or tea infusion. Also often called the 'tea instead of tea' (tea but non-tea), because it does not contain

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Did you know that the United Kingdom has a tradition of enjoying a cup of tea in the afternoon?

Did you know that the United Kingdom has a tradition of enjoying a cup of tea in the afternoon with friends, family, or invited guests in an atmosphere that is warm, relaxed and fun.

This tradition is also called Afternoon Tea. This tradition has lasted approximately 350 years. According to the history of tea drinking was introduced first by Catherine when she married the King of England, Charles II, in 1662. Catherine is originally from Portugal brought a box of his country to the new court house in England

Secret Techniques! Brighten your face naturally with tea leaves

There is a secret techniques to naturally brighten your face. Tea a lot of benefits, now you can use the leaves as a whitening or brightening your face naturally. Tea is well known for the beauty. Besides tea also have very useful contains for our body. Tea leaves have contain like antioxidants

Tea or Coffee, Which is better to Drink?

Moments at home, at work, in cafes, anywhere, whether it is with friends, enjoying the scenery, talking about your business with your colleagues, or with your family definitely will not forget to make a drink. If not you tea drink, certainly coffee will you make or order. Moment scrumptious to drink with someone you care about, talking, nostalgic, it feels wonderful.

Tea and coffee are the most popular drinks today.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Chinese Tea Ceremony

In each country, they would have maintained their culture so there is even a very sacred culture. They maintain this culture, which is the main attraction of others to learn. Including the tea ceremony culture. In China for example, people in there often show tea ceremony. They always maintain the culture from their elder. The tea ceremony is one of the things that are important to them

Benefits Jasmine Tea for High Blood Pressure

Though most teas are made from only the leaves of herbs, Jasmine Green Tea is different. It is made by adding the jasmine flower to the tea. Cultivated widely for its beautiful flowers, jasmine is any of more than 200 species with fragrant white, yellow or red flowers.

Though brought to China from Persia sometime in the third century AD, the jasmine plant never became popular in China until about 1000 AD. Popular versions of jasmine are Xiang Pian, Dragon Phoenix Pearl, and Mo Li Hua Cha. This last one is possibly the most popular scented tea in the world.

How much can you drink Green tea a day?

Although often mentioned green tea has many health benefits, it still was not all that excessive either. So in fact, what the safe limit is a drink?

"One or two cups just enough," said Dr. Zuo Feng Zhang of UCLA, as quoted by FitSugar.

Meanwhile, experts from the University of Maryland Medical Center also suggest that two to three cups of green tea has been effective giving health

Monday, December 9, 2013

Benefits of Oolong Tea for Health

Oolong tea is a kind of traditional Chinese tea. Almost most of the Oolong tea leaves produced in Fujian, a province of eastern China. The taste and aroma of Oolong tea varies considerably depending on the variety. Good brewing Oolong tea usually produces a bitter taste but gives a slightly sweet taste after drinking. Tea is generally served in a variety of Chinese restaurants serving dim sum or other Chinese dishes. Oolong tea has its own privileges because the manufacturing

How To make your own Framework

Creating a website is linking multiple files. Html /. Php /. Asp so as one course to follow the rules of the applicable website development. Making the website at that time using conventional means (I think) by making each template for each file. So join in the design and programming of the file, and then repeated again for the next file so on for all the files.

Many frameworks are available on the internet there are Cake, Prado, etc.. To recognize such a framework requires more effort and ability, when there is a change of developer we also have to update our knowledge.

There are several concepts in making one of

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Health Benefits if You Drink Green Tea

Green tea is a beverage that has remarkable properties if consumed every day. Lots of green tea for health benefits, which we usually find tea in the form of cold drinks as well as hot. Cold tea itself more delicious when served into sweet tea. Efficacy of tea on Benefits of Green Tea is commonly found in general and only just a few. Possible without our conscious or if we know the true properties of tea the other we will get. Moreover, this tea can be enjoyed

Five Benefits of Tea for Beauty

Tea, known as a drink that can be served warm or cold. Is the result of steeping the leaves are plucked bud, dried, and then produce pollen which is generally colored red and fragrant.

Rich in antioxidants, tea is not only good for health, but also good for skin beauty

Benefits of Black tea

It is said that coffee is harmful to health, such as tea. However, on the other hand, two types of drinks that are also beneficial to health. Likewise with black tea, which has many health benefits.

Black tea (like green tea) plucked from the plant called camellia sinensis. Black tea leaves steeped in such a way so as to give a dark color when used as a beverage. Also, the dry leaves are cooked

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Compund of tea and The benefits of tea

From the first, the tea is known to have many health benefits. By drinking tea can make the body more relaxed in living activities. Tea can be consumed in various ways, brewed with hot water or added to ice, the same joy. There is even a type of tea leaves that can be eaten. When compared with other types of beverages, tea turns over a lot of benefits